Lackluster Me Re-issue (02.12.2016)

The second Savoy album was re-issued on 2 December 2016 by Apollen Records on CD and LP in Norway. The cover of the album is similar to the original release and features a close up shot of a cracked dolls face. The Savoy logo is printed in silver at the top right hand corner with the title in black beneath.

Lackluster Me Re-issue - click to enlarge

The LP comes in a double gatefold sleeve. The reverse of the sleeve is white with Side A and Side B tracks listed in two columns of grey text at the top. Just below the middle is a line of small black and white shots of the cracked doll's face, each with only their eyes in colour (blue, orange, green, pink). Below is some track information in grey and the Apollen Records logo in black.

Lackluster Me Re-issue - click to enlarge

The inside of the foldout sleeve is black with a large black and white shot of the band across the middle and 4 smaller ones down the right hand side. On the left is some information on the album in white text.

The LP comes with a copy of the album on CD and there is a white circular sticker on the front of the LP which reads "INCLUDES THE ALBUM ON CD". The CD is housed in one end of the sleeve and comes in a transparent vinyl sleeve. The disc is matt grey with a large silver Savoy logo at the top with the title in smaller silver letters underneath. The Apollon Records logo and catalogue number are printed in small silver letters at the bottom of the disc, otherwise the disc is blank. It comes with a double sided insert advertising forthcoming Savot re-issues (Mountains Of Time and Reasons To Stay Indoors) plus other releases by Apollon Records.

Lackluster Me Re-issue - click to enlarge

The LP is housed in the other end of the sleeve. It comes in a white paper sleeve with the lyrics printed in grey. The LP labels are grey with white title, track information and Apollen Records logo.

Lackluster Me Re-issue - click to enlarge

The album was also relased on CD by Apollon Records. It comes in a regular jewel case, but the artwork differs from the original release. The front cover features the same shot of the cracked dolls face, but the logo has been updated to the one used on the other re-issue and latest album. The logo is still in a silver font, but larger than on the original release. The title is in smaller black font underneat, narrower than the one used on the original release. The 8 double sided paged CD booklet is black with the lyrics printed in silver grey with two small black and white shots of te band standing in front of a leafy tree. There is a double spread sot of the band in the centre of the bookley from the same photo shoot. There are two double spread pages with information about the album with quotes from the band. On the back is another small black and white shot of te band plus recording information.

The disc is matt silver grey with the new Savoy logo and title at the top and the Apollon records label at the bottom cut out to show the silver shine of the disc. Underneath the disc, you can see another shot of the crakced dolls face, but this time with the eyes shut. There are no small black and white shots of the doll down the edge of te spine as there are on the original release. The reverse sleeve in silver with the track list in black plus the 4 small black and white shots of the doll printed in the four corners. The Apollon Records logo and address plus barcode are at the bottom. The CD comes with a double sided paper insert advertisting the forthcoming re-issyes of Mountains Of Time (May 2017) and Reasons To Stay Indoors (July 2017), but it seems the latter of which was never released. It also pronotes releases of Frode Unnelands other bands and other releases by Apollon Records.

Some of the tracks (Lackluster Me, You Should've Told Me, I Still Cry, Rain and If You Tell) have been edited slightly to fit all trakcs on the LP.

Tracks: Lackluster Me* (4:17) / Unsound+* (5:02) / You Should've Told Me+* (4:18) / Foreign Film+* (3:55) / Flowers For Sylvia (2:10) / I Still Cry (4:28) // Sycamore Leaves (3:35) / Rain* (4:06) / Butt Out+ (2:53) / This, That & The Other* (4:19) / Hey Luchie (2:35) / Easy+ (3:23) / If You Tell (4:08)


Norway   Lackluster Me Apollen Records APR011LP / APR011CD


Norway   Lackluster Me Apollen Records APR011CD

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