The Hits Video Take 2 / Hunting High And Low / The MTV Video Music Awards Collection / Making of Gatsby / Headlines & Deadlines / The Blood That Moves The Body '92 remix promo video / Live In South America / Stars On Video / The Living Daylights / Summer Moved On / Live at Vallhall - Homecoming / a-ha The Videos / One Night at McCools / Bravo / Warner Video Collection / Kamilla og Tyven / Kamilla og Tyven del 2 / Celice promo DVD / Live 8 Berlin / Analogue deluxe edition with DVD / Analogue promo DVD / Cosy Prisons promo DVD / Live at Vallhall & Headlines And Deadlines 2 DVD set / Live at Vallhall DVD & CD set / Foot Of The Mountain promo DVD / Foot Of The Mountain deluxe edition with DVD / 25 deluxe edition with DVD / The Last Hurrah / Ending On A High Note - The Final Concert DVD / a-ha The Movie / Promo Videos
The Hits Video Take 2 (1985)The video for "Take On Me" is one of 22 videos featured on the compilation "The Hits Video Take 2". The cover is blue with the title in large orange and yellow letters in the middle. Pictures of the artists included on the compilation are printed across the top and bottom of the front and back sleeve. The 22 tracks are listed on the back of the sleeve. The inside of the sleeve is white with the tracks printed in black down the left hand side.
Hunting High And Low (1986)The laser disc of "Hunting High And Low" has a cover just like the LP, the only difference is the text in the upper left corner: "Digital sound" and the upper right corner: "The compact laserdisc: The Audio and Video Album". The back sleeve has the same photos as the LP whilst the index marking has 13 chapters. The first three are Take On Me, Train Of Thought and Hunting High And Low (all videos) and then comes the 10 tracks from the LP. While they are playing the screen only shows a text information on each track, no video-material. The disc has been repressed several times in the US, but is now deleted. Running Time: 50 minutes. There is also a UK promotional video including these 3 videos (?) - no further details available.
The MTV Video Music Awards Collection (1986)There is a US Video Release of The MTV Video Music Awards Collection from 1986. It runs for approximately 40 minutes and includes full videos from artists who won awards. The video comes in a cardboard slip case without a booklet. The sleeve is blue with a yellow spine. The artwork features a drawing of a hand crashing through a TV holding a Video Music Award trophy. Diagonally alpoong the top is a yellow banner with the title in blue and pink. Below is a large pink, white and yellow MTV logo with "3RD ANNUAL" printed on the M in yelow. There is a smaller yellow banner below with the text "FEATURING AWARD-WINNING CLIPS BY..." with some of the artists listed underneath. The back of the sleeve also has the yellow banner and large MTV logo. The tracks are listed in yellow with the track information and other information in dark blue. The cassette itself is black with a white sticker with the track information in black. a-ha won two awards for The Sun Always Shines On TV: Best editing in a video and Best cinematography. They also won six awards for Take On Me: Best direction in a video; Best special effects; Best concept video; Most experimental video; Best new artist and Viewers choice award. The videos for both The Sun Always Shines On TV and Take On Me are included, there are also snippets of celebrities on stage announcing the winners plus a small clip of a-ha. The catalogue number of the video is 38130-3, a Warner Reprise Video made in the USA. There is also a UK release of The MTV Video Music Awards Collection VHS which is similar to the US release but comes in a regular video case with paper insert. The UK Release was made and distributed by WEA Records Ltd in England and this information is displayed on the back of the insert. The catalogue number is 9 38130-3 and is PAL format. VariationsJapanThere is a Japanese laser disc release with catalogue number WPLR-55 which comes with an obi strip.
Making of Gatsby - cm a-ha (1988)This promotional only video includes the making of the Japanese adverts for new make-up products "Gatsby" (Mandom Corporation) which feature The back sleeve features a shot of the band on set, bordered by a segment of film strip (shot 28A). Underneath, the following message is printed "Dear GATSBY Fans GATSBY applauds the spirit of a-ha. Not just their phenomenal sound, but the complete concept of their lifestyles. We take greatest pleasure in presenting to you Making of GATSBY - CM "a-ha". GATSBY with a-ha -- the spirited combination." The video tape is black with a light pink sticker. The title plus "Stay On These Roads" and "The Blood That Moves The Body" are printed in black text on the sticker. Additional information is printed in black at the bottom. The sticker on the spine of the tape is also light pink with the title in black letters.
Headlines And Deadlines - The Hits Of a-ha (1991)This compilation of promotional videos has sleeve design is similar to that of the album "Headlines And Deadlines" with a band shot (Morten, Magne, Pål) on a petrol blue background. The a-ha logo and title "Headlines And Deadlines The Hits of a-ha" are printed in beige, light blue and white in the lower right hand corner. The back sleeve is black with a band shot at the bottom plus track listing and track details in white, light blue and beige. The reverse of the insert is white with picture adverts for other Warner releases. The cassette tape is black with a white sticker and black text.
The VHS includes promotional videos for the following 16 tracks: 1. Take On Me
All tracks are the regular videos used to promote the singles except * which are live recordings from the NRK TV special (1991) and "There's Never A Forever Thing" which is a film of the homeless directed by Lauren Savoy. Note, there was a promotional video made for "I've Been Losing You" (live footage taken from a 1986 US concert), but the live NRK TV version was included in place of this video. Note also the absence of videos for "The Living Daylights" and "Move To Memphis". These two tracks are included on the CD compilation, but have been replaced by "There's Never A Forever Thing" and "Sycamore Leaves" on the video compilation.
The German made laserdisc (PAL system) of "Headlines And Deadlines The Hits Of A-ha" has a similar front and back cover to the video. The text on the front beneath the main text states: Laserdisc Digital Sound Stereo.
There is also a German made DVD of "Headlines And Deadlines" which again has a similar sleeve to the video release. The disc is silver with grey text. First editions come in the hard plastic transparent cases, but later pressings came in the softer plastic cases. The printing colours differ slightly. The DVD includes the extra track, the promotional video for "Move To Memphis" (track 18). There is a German made NTSC edition of the DVD suitable for regions 3, 4 and 6. The cover is similar to the PAL release but the blue background appears to have a more textured look to it (TBC). The disc is also similar to the PAL release, but the text has been printed in a bolder font and there is no "Exempt from classification" text. Headlines And Deadlines - The Hits Of a-ha (re-issue 2005)To coincide with the release of the singles collection 1984-2004, "Headlines And Deadlines" was re-released with a different sleeve (early in 2005?). The content of the DVD is exactly the same as the original DVD release, but the sleeve is quite different. The top section of the sleeve is almost identical to the cover of "The Singles 1984|2004" / "The definitive singles collection 1984-2004". The bottom section of the sleeve uses some of the artwork taken from the album booklet. There is a black strip along the bottom with a white "G" indicating that the content is suitable for general viewing. The DVD claims that it is suitable for regions 2 to 5 rather than 2 to 6 like the first version. Two slightly different versions exist, both come with identical sleeves, but one of the discs is the regular silver DVD with black text, identical to the first release, the other is bronze coloured (this disc is copy protected - TBC). The bronze disc has the newer a-ha logo in light blue at the top with the title in gold underneath. The Warner, DVD and region logos are printed in white at the bottom of the disc and copyright information is printed in white around the edge of the disc. The "bronze-edition" was available as part of the Homecoming / Headlines And Deadlines two DVD set (see below) and was possibly also available separately (TBC). VariationsArgentinaThe Headlines and Deadlines DVD re-issue was released in Argentina and has a similar cover to the European release. The format is NTSC 3 4 6 and is released by Warner Music Entertainment, rather than Warner Music Vision. It includes an additional Warner Music Argentina logo on the back Cover, plus some Argentina copyright and record company text: "ADVERTENCIA: Este es un producto intelectuol protegido en tover de su productor. Los derechos sobre el tonograma se encuentron reconocidos por la Ley Federol del Derecho de Autor. Publicado y distribuido por Warner Music Argentina S.A. A Warner Music Group Company. Miembro de CAPIF. Reservodos todos los derechos del productor, de los outores y de los interpretes de los obras reproducidos en este ejemplor, prohibido la reproduccion, regrobacion, olquiler, prestomo, conje, ejecucion publica, radiodifusion y cuolquier uso no outorizada de estos fonogramos. SADAIC - BIEM / AADI - CAPIF. INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA.". The disc is grey with white text, rather than the usual silver or tan coloured disc. The Warner Music Entertainment, Warner Music Records, DVD Video, NTSC 3 4 6 and Warner Music Argentina logog are all displayed at the bottom of the disc. Around the outer edge is the Argentina Copyright and Record Company Information. Located at the bottom of the front cover of the DVD Case is the usual Silver 'ifpi' hologram sticker which is found on most a-haa Argentina releases. BrazilThere is a Brazilian Videolar VHS of A-ha Headlines & Deadlines which is very similar to the European PAL Release, but the format of the Brazilian releas is NTSC. The cover is similar to the European release apart from the manufacturing and copyright information on the back cover. There is no barcode in the top right hand corner, instead there is some Brazilian manufacturing and distributing information: "Produzido na Zona Franca de Manaus por Videolar da Amazonia S.A. - CGC 34.502.880 0001-16. Distribuido pela BMG Ariola Discos Ltda. - CGC 56.697.162 0002-66 SCDPDPF 50 87 - Sao Paulo Ind. Brasileira sob licenca da Warner Music Brasil Ltda.". Underneath is the usual 'Warner Music Vision' and 'Warner Brothers Records' logos, the same as on the European PAL Release. On the bottom left, under the track listing is 'Made In Brasil' and the usual 'E EXEMPT FROM CLASSIFICATION' information. There is also the following copyright information: "ATENCAO: O proprietario dos direitos autorais licenciou o filme contido neste videocassete unicamente para uso domestic. Fica proibido qualquer outro uso, copiagem, reproducao ou execucao em public, aluguel, seja integral ou parcialmente. Os Infratores estao sujeitos as penalidades previstas em lei.". Under t his is the text 'APPROX RUNNING TIME 69 MINS' plus the catalogue number 7599-38279-3. The spine has the catalogue number NTSC 20001-3. The cassette itself is black with only a label on the side, a pink Videolar Label plus a white label with 'A-HA HEADLINES & DEADLINES' in blue plus the 'WARNER MUSIC VISION' logo and catalogue number 20001-3. Also partly stuck over the two Labels in the middle is a white bar code number 'PVR2561-012604'. Printed on the actual cassette is the text 'VIDEOLAR T-70'. The catalogue number of this release is: 7599-38279-3/NTSC 20001-3. There is another Brazilian Sonopress DVD of Headlines & Deadlines which comes with the original blue cover, although it's not a 1st Pressing, there is another earlier Brazilian Pressing of this DVD distributed by Videolar. The Brazilian release is similar to the European one. The disc is silver with the text in black, making it easier to read than the Europen one which has silver text. The disc is region NTSC 3 4 6 and includes additional logos including the flying bird Anazon logo plus the usual Warner Music Vision, WB Records & DVD Video logos. The copyright and record company information at the bottom of the disc is different to the European Release and reads:- " THIS COMPILATION P C INTERNATIONAL INC. P C Warner Music Brasil Ltda. Produzido no Polo Industrial de Manaus e distribuido por Sonopress Rimo Ind. e Com. Fonog. S.A.-Ind. Bras - CNPJ 67.562.884/0004-91. Sob Licenca de Warner Music Brasil Ltda.-CNPJ 42.470.112/0012-09. Todos os direitos reservados. Proibida a reproducao, execucao publica e locacao desautorizadas sob as penas da lei.". The back cover is also similar to the European release apart from the format information as NTSC 4:3 and region code 3/4/6. The additional flying Amazon bird and NTSC 3 4 6 logos are also displayed. The Brazilian copyright and record company information is different to the European Release, it reads:- "THIS COMPILATION P C 1991 WEA INTERNATIONAL INC. Warner Music Brasil Ltda. - uma empresa Warner Music Group. Produzido no Polo Industrial de Manaus e distribuido por Sonopress Rimo Ind. e Com. Fonog. S.A. - Ind. Bras. Rua Lca, no 100-A - Distrito Industrial - Manaus - AM - CNPJ 67.562.884/0004-91. Sob Licenca de Warner Music Brasil Ltda.- CNPJ 42.470.112/0012-09. Todos os direitos reservados. Proibida a reproducao, execucao publica e locacao desautorizadas sob as penas da lei. O prazo de validade do disco CD ou DVD e indeterminado desde que observado os seguintes cuidados: Armazenar em local seco, livre de poeira, nao expor ao sol, nao riscar, nao dobrar, nao engordurar, nao manter a uma temperatura superior a 55oC e umidade acima de 60g/m3 e segurar o disco sempre pela lateral e pelo furo central. DISCO E CULTURA. Denuncle a pirataria: [email protected] DESIGN STYLOROUGE. PHOTOGRAPHY JUST LOMMIS". There are also two Warner Music addresses: WWW.WARNERMUSIC.COM.BR, WWW.WARNERMUSICSTORE.COM.BR. The catalogue number of this Brazilian Sonopress DVD is 759938282-2 BD0001000. There is a another Brazilian Sonopress DVD issue of A-ha Headlines & Deadlines which comes with the original blue cover, it is the same as the later Brazilian Sonopress 759938282-2 BD0001000 edition except the blue colouring on the front cover and spine is slightly lighter, plus the issue number on the back cover and around the centre ring of the Disc (BB0004500). The catalogue number of this Brazilian Sonopress DVD is 759938282-2 BB0004500. JapanHeadlines And Dealines was released on video, but in NTSC format.
The DVD was released in Japan (7 November 2001) and comes with the standard blue cover. It comes with a 'Good Choice 2002' large yellow obi strip. The Picture Format is in NTSC 4:3. There is also some additional Japanese text, plus the text Manufactured by Warner Vision Japan. The disc itself is similar to the European release, grey with silver text. 'Manufactured by Warner Vision Japan' and 'Made in Japan' are also pronted on the disc. The reverse of the obi is white with red Japanese text. It comes with a double sided insert with the band members on one side plus track listing and DVD information on the other. The re-issue was also released on DVD in Japan (7-9-2005). It comes with a large 'Forever Collection' series blue, red and white obi strip. The Picture Format is in NTSC 4:3 & it's in Region 2 Coding. There is also some additional text in Japanese, plus the text 'Manufactured by Warner Vision Japan'. The disc itself is gret with the a-ha logo in light blue at the top plus white manufacturing and copyright text printed around the outer edge. This Japanese re-issue DVD is Manufactured by Warner Vision Japan and Made in Japan which is printed on the back cover and disc. It comes with a white single-sided insert with the tracks in Japanese and English plus some other Japanese DVD information. Promo copies have a red and white promo sticker over the bar code on the obi strip, plus 'SAMPLE' printed around the centre ring of the disc. ![]() Russia: This promo DVD of "Headlines And Deadlines" comes in a plain white sleeve. It is not clear if this is an official item or not. The disc features a black and white shot. Magne can be seen on the right hand side with possibly Paul and Morten(?) in the centre and on the left. There is a "film strip" of smaller pictures along the bottom. a-ha is printed in large black letters at the top with the title in pink and black underneath. Other details unknown. There is a Nitikin DVD release of the re-issue which is similar to the European release. It comes with an additional cardboard slipcase, which has a silver hologram 'WARNER MUSIC INTERNATIONAL FOR SALE IN RUSSIA' sticker on the bottom front right hand corner. On the reverse of the cardboard slipcase, the back is again the same as the EU Pressing apart from some different logo's including a 'NITIKIN' one. The Manufacturing and copyright information is also in Russian rather that English, plus the 'E EXEMPT FROM CLASSIFICATION' is missing from under the bar code on this Russian edition. The track listing is exactly the same as the EU Release, plus the DVD format displayed on the back of the DVD Case is PAL Region 2/3/4/5. The Disc is similar to the EU pressing, also tan, however the a-ha logo at the top is light blue compared to cream on the EU Pressing. The format on the actual disc is showing as NTSC 2/3/4/5 and not PAL 2/3/4/5. The copyright and record company information is displayed in Russian around the outer rim of the disc. The catalogue number of this Russian Nitikin DVD release is 4670001540353.South Africa
The Blood That Moves The Body promo video (13/03/1992)
Live in South America (1993 / 2015)This live video features video footage from different shows from a-ha's tour of South America in 1991. It also includes some backstage clips. The film was produced and directed by Lauren Savoy. The sleeve features a shot of Morten drooped over his microphone with orange light behind. The title is printed in beige letters at the top of the sleeve with the a-ha logo in white below. The back sleeve is black with shots of the crowd and a back-view shot of the band on stage under green light. Track information and list is printed in beige letters. The video has a U certificate (Universal - Suitable for all). The reverse of the insert includes pictrue adverts of other Warner releases. The cassette tape is black with an orange label with white text. A white sticker on the front sleeve reads "Featuring live versions of Take On Me, The Sun Always Shines On TV, Touchy, Cry Wolf" plus catalogue number.
Track list: 1. The Sun Always Shines On TV
The first pressing has "I've Been Losing You" printed incorrectly as "I'm Losing You". Later pressing have this mistake corrected. They also have the green "Universal" certificate logo in the bottom right hand corner rather than bottom left. On 23 October 2015, "Live In South America" was released as a bonus DVD as part of the deluxe release of the album "East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon". This is the only DVD release of this show. VariationsBrazilThe Brazilian "Live in South America" VHS release is very similar to the European edition displaying the regular front and back cover artworks but the Catalogue number shown is different 10018-3 and does not include the green and white "UNIVERSAL Suitable for all U" triangular logo. The running format is also NTSC rather than PAL. On the back cover, the Manufacturing and distributing information has changed and is printed in Portuguese to read; "Warner Music Brasil Ltda. C.G.C. 42.470.112.0001-56 Produzido na Zona Franca de Manaus por Videolar da Amazonia S.A. C.G.C. 34.502.880.0001-16. Distribuido pela BMG Ariola Discos Ltda. C.G.C. 56.697.162.0002-66 SCDPDPF 5087 – Sao Paulo – Industria Brasileira". There is also some Portuguese Copyright text included; "ATENCAO:O proprietario dos direitos autorais licenciou o filme contido neste videocassete unicamente para uso domestico. Fica proibido qualquer outro uso, copiagem, reproducao ou execucao em publico, aluguel, seja integral ou parcialmente. Os infratores estarao sujeitos as penalidades previstas em lei". At the top of the spine, the regular black and white "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo is shown, along with the "NTSC" symbol and Catalogue number 10018-3. At the very bottom "Made in Brasil"" is printed in black on a white stripe, replacing the regular "VHS, Hi-Fi, stereo and DOLBY STEREO on linear tracks" information. The video cassette tape is black with a blue and white stickered label on the top displaying the same Manufacturing, distributing and copyright text in Portuguese which appears on the back cover. On the front side of the cassette, there is a pink "Videolar" sticker on the left containing some black coded text; "461759 / SEQ-01316" and the title; "A-HA/LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA", whilst on the right, there is another white sticker with navy blue printed text displaying again the title; "A-HA LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA" in large lettering, plus "NTSC" symbol, Catalogue number 10018-3 and "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo. There is a Brazilian Videolar Pressed VHS of a-ha "Live in South America" which comes with a light blue and white video cassette, it is also housed in a usual black video cassette case. This release is very similar to the European release apart from containing some of the Manufacturing text in Portuguese on the back cover. The running format is NTSC. The front cover artworks is exactly the same as the European Pressing with "live IN SOUTH AMERICA a-ha" displayed in White Text at the top and the usual Image of Morten leaning over a microphone stand. On the spine, we have the usual black and white square "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo at the top, underneath we have the format and catalogue Number 'NTSC 10018-3', the Title 'live IN SOUTH AMERICA' is shown vertically in the centre with 'a-ha' displayed landscaped in brown underneath. The front cover image of Morten is again displayed vertically at the lower half of the Spine. Finally at the very bottom of the spine, we have 'Made In Brasil' printed in black. The usual green "Universal" certificate logo and 'VHS/Hi-Fi/stereo/DOLBY STEREO on linear tracks' logos which appears on the European release have been omitted on this Brazilian Videolar VHS Pressing. On the back cover, it's again virtually the same as the European VHS Pressing with the same artworks, Track listing and English tour information at the top. However at the bottom end, the green "Universal" certificate logo, square 'FSK' White Logo & White Barcode has again been Removed from this Brazilian Pressing, although we do additionally have the same Black & Blue 'WARNER MUSIC VISION' Logo, 'APPROXIMATE RUNNING TIME: 60 MINUTES' & "ALL SONGS PUBLISHED BY ATV MUSIC LTD, EXCEPT 3, 4, 7 AND 9 PUBLISHED BY WARNER CHAPPELL MUSIC LTD." information which appears also on the European pressing. Additionally at the bottom right hand Corner of the back cover, we have some Manufacturing and Copyright information all in Portuguese, it reads:-
The tape itself has the same Copyright Information as on the back cover, including some other additional Brazilian Manufacturing Information is displayed in blue on the white label at the top, it reads:-
Additionally the 'WARNER MUSIC VISION' blue and white logo is also displayed. On the Front Side of the Tape, we have a Pink Label on the Left Hand Side displaying the Catalogue Number 10018-3, Title 'A-HA/LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA' & other Numbered Coding '002836' & 'SEQ-00306'. On the Right Hand Side, we have a White Label with Black Text displayed the Title 'A-HA LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA' in Large Capital Letters, Catalogue Number & Format 'NTSC 10018-3' and the 'WARNER MUSIC VISION' Logo. FranceThe French edition comes in similar packaging to the European release, but the Catalogue number is slightly longer to display 7599-38356-3 WE 558. There is no green and white "UNIVERSAL" triangular logo printed on the sleeve, plus the "WARNER MUSIC VISION" and "VHS" logos on the spine are slightly larger to show a silver background rather than the usual black or white. The "WARNER MUSIC VISION" font used on the back sleeve is also slightly lighter. The listing shown for the track; "I’VE BEEN LOSING YOU" is printed incorrectly as "I’M LOSING YOU". This French VHS is in SECAM format. The cassette tape itself was supplied by "FUJI" and is black with white printed text, it displays the title along the top "A-HA LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA", with the Copyright information printed all in French underneath; "Attention, cette videocassette et les ceuvres qui y sont reproduites sont destinees exclusivement a I’usage prive. Tous les autres droits sont reserves. Sauf autorisation expresse des proprietaires des eceuvres, la reproduction, I’edition, I’echange, le pret, I’execution publique et la telediffusion, totale ou partielle, sont formellement interdits. Tout contrevenant s’expose a des sanctions penales et/ou civiles. Cette videocassette ne peut etre exportee, cede ou louee en dehors des pays de la communaute europeenne, sans I’autorisation urealable de Warner Music France". On the left hand side, a large "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo is shown, along with the text; "DOLBY HI-FI STEREO VHS SECAM DUREE 60 MINUTES CNC / EDV 110". At the bottom right, the Catalogue number 7599-38356-3 and "© 1993 WEA INTERNATIONAL INC A TIME WARNER COMPANY" is additionally displayed. Japan"Live in South America" was also released onto VHS in Japan, it comes instead in a white cassette case rather than the standard clear one. The running format is not shown but appears to be NTSC. The artwork on it is similar to the European release but the layout on the spine is different and displays a-ha orientated rather than landscape with the title printed in Japanese. The picture of Morten holding the microphone has been cropped to show only the top half and is relocated near the top under the black "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo. At the lower half of the spine, there is a brown oval with some additional Japanese white printed text. The "WB" logo, VHS, Catalogue number WPVP-9106 and two price tags ¥5,500 and ¥5,340 are displayed in black at the very bottom. On the back cover, the "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo is slighter larger and lighter, plus the white barcode is somewhat smaller and displays a different number "4 988014 591065" compared to the European release. Along the bottom under the regular Copyright information, it displays that the VHS was "Marketed by Warner Music Japan Inc. a Time Warner Company. Made in Japan". The usual Green "UNIVERSAL Suitable for all" triangular logo has not been included on this Japanese release. The Cassette tape itself is black and tan with light brownish stickered top and side labels. The top label is very similar to the European release having the title "a-ha live IN SOUTH AMERICA" with the full track listing printed in white underneath. The regular black and white "WARNER MUSIC VISION" is also included, along with a black "WB" logo and "E EXEMPT FROM CLASSIFICATION". The Catalogue number WPVP-9106, VHS hi-fi and STEREO are shown in white. The same Copyright and Japanese Marketing information which is displayed on the back cover is also included. On the side label, there is a black "WB" logo at the top, with a-ha and the Japanese title printed orientated in white. The VHS and "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logos and Catalogue number are displayed in black at the bottom. The Video also includes an additional white folded sheet displaying the full track lyrics in both English and Japanese. There are at least 2 slightly different Japanese laserdiscs (NTSC system) of "Live In South America". They have a similar cover to the VHS video release, but have different catalogue numbers. One of these laser discs comes with a green obi-strip with white titles and small shots of other discs available on the back. KoreaThe Korean VHS of "Live In South America" comes in a slightly larger than normal white video cassette case with the regular front and back cover artwork similar to the European edition, but cropped to include some additional Korean titles on the front cover and spine. There is a green strip, which is included all the way along the bottom, with some additional Korean text shown. The blue and white "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo is located on the front, back & spine of the case along with an additional "WARNER REPRISE VIDEO" symbol on the back and spine only. Some Korean Manufacturing and Copyright information is displayed on the back cover to include the text; "© 1993 WEA International Inc., A Time Warner Company COPYRIGHT © 1993 SEOUL TELECOM SYSTEM CO. LTD" The spine itself differs from the European one with a smaller version of part of the Morten shot with a pink outline and is located higher up on the spine. The layout of the a-ha logo and title has changed to both read down the spine with a light grey strip behind. The blue "WARNER MUSIC VISIONO" logo present is much larger compared to that shown on the front and back sleeve, plus a black "Hi-Fi STEREO" symbol is also included. The cassette tape itself is coloured bright yellow and green with white stickered labels on the front and side with titles in red, green and blue text. The blue "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo is included in the top left hand corner of the top label with the "WARNER REPRISE VIDEO" symbol in the top right. The a-ha logo is printed in red and located in the centre showing the title "LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA" in green and Korean translation in blue underneath. A green stripe similar to that shown on the casing is included along the bottom with some other additional Korean text printed in blue. On the side label, the "WARNER MUSIC VISION" logo is displayed orientated again in the usual blue on the left hand side, with the a-ha red logo and Green and blue English/Korean title landscaped in the middle. The blue "Hi-Fi STEREO" and "WARNER MUSIC VIDEO" symbols are included orientated on the right, along with a white "VHS" symbol on a green background. When playing the video, there is some additional Korean information displayed before the show starts.
Stars On Video (09.93)This German promo compilation video "Stars On Video Show" (No. 128 Sept. '93) features a mixture of forthcoming pop videos and film releases including a preview / shortened version of the first banned version of "Dark Is The Night" (track 13 - 3:18) which fades out around 30 seconds before the end. It also contains the Kinohitparade Countdown of the Top 10 Film Releases. The running time is approximately 1 hour 14 minutes. The cover is red with titles in black and a black and white drawing of a man leaping. The "Video Disco" logo is printed in red, white and blue at the top of the front sleeve and on the spine. The video cassette is black with a white sticker with titles in black. Tracks: Sir Prize - Declaration (Dipdipda) / Chaya - I Feel My Heart Is Burning / SWS (Sisters With Voices) - Weak / Belouis Some - Something She Said / Prince - Peach / Schlaflos In Seattle / Hot Shots! Der 2. Versuch / Auf der Flucht / Tina - What's Love Got To Do With It / Tina Turner - I Don't Wanna Fight / Melissa Etheridge - I'm The Only One / Sting - Fields Of Gold / a-ha - Dark Is The Night / Peter Gabriel - Kiss That Frog / R.E.M - Nightswimmer / The The - Love Is Stronger Than Death / Jurassic Park / Und ewig schlelchen die Erben / Die Firma / What On Earth - Whales / Sweep & Linda Carriere - Running Up That Hill / Unitone Rockers / Children Of The Revolution / Credit To The Nation - Call It What You Want / KINOHITPARADE: 10) Eln unmoralisches Angebot / 9) Abgeschminkt! / 8) Loaded Weapon 1 / 7) Jenselts der Unschuld / 6) Zuruck nach Hause - Die unglaubliche Reise / 5) Made In America / 4) Das Piano / 3) Dave / 2) Dennis / 1) Cliffhanger / Dance Or Die - Psychoburbia
The Living Daylights (2000)
Summer Moved On (2000?)
Live at Vallhall - Homecoming (10/2001 / 20/05/02)
The back sleeve of the DVD states that it is "all regions" although NTSC versions are also available which have an NTSC sticker on the back. The DVD comes with a 4-page double sided booklet with colour shots of the band on stage plus track information. The disc of the DVD has the front cover shot and text screen-printed on it. The NTSC edition is the same but with additional "NTSC" text printed on it. The video doesn't come with a booklet and the inside of the insert is blank, so the tracks are not listed at all. The cassette itself is black with a white bordered black label with white text. The limited editions come with an exclusive limited edition live CD featuring a-ha's set from the Grimstad show at Fjæreheia,
Tracks: 1: Minor Earth Major Sky
Bonus (DVD):
Note: * items are included as bonus material on the video edition. Text printed on the reverse of the DVD / Video: "The year 2000 marked the triumphant return of a-ha to the international scene. After a seven-year break, the band reformed and released the CD "Minor Earth Major Sky" to widespread critical acclaim, and scored a European hit with the single "Summer Moved On". Having completed a successful tour of Japan and Europe, a-ha returned to their native Norway on the 24th and 25th of March 2001, for two two sell-out shows at Oslo's new football arena; Vallhall. This DVD is a recording of the first night. This DVD contains lots of extra material, including documentation of their seven years apart, interviews, unreleased live footage, and 4 videos from "Minor Earth Major Sky"" Note: There is a spelling mistake on the release: documentation is printed incorrectly as "documentatition". The DVD and video were also released to record stores across the world (Norway - 20/05/02, Japan - 20/05/02, Europe 27/05/02, UK - 10/06/02, Australia - 15/07/02, Canada - 15/10/02, plus USA and Brazil around the same time as in Canada). These releases do not come with the exclusive bonus CD, but include the same bonus material. The front covers are similar to the version released via the internet, but the "limited edition"-circle on the DVD is replaced by the DVD trademark. There is also a blue rectangular sticker on the front with the text "Features all of their greatest hits including: 'Cry Wolf' 'The Sun Always Shines On TV' 'The Living Daylights' and 'Take On Me'" plus catalogue number in white. The video edition has an additional white round sticker with the text "ALSO AVAILABLE ON DVD VIDO". The back covers are quite different and include the track listing in two columns at the top of the sleeve. The text about the return in 2000 and concerts in 2001 is the same, but is printed right across the back sleeve. The DVD includes some format and running time information printed on black rectangular strips. There is also additional "Warner Music Vision", format, "Exempt from classification" and copyright text on both the DVD and video sleeve. The DVD disc also differs slightly from the version with less of a silver border around the edge plus additional PAL, DVD, Warner Music Vision and "Exempt from classification" logos, catalogue number, running time and copyright information in white. The DVD comes with the 4-page booklet with the same live shots, but slightly different text. The reverse of the video insert is of same design as the front side, but without any of the text. It doesn't come with any other booklet insert. The cassette itself is black with a bright pink sticker with titles in white. VariationsJapan
The Japanese release has the same front sleeve as the European release, but on the front is a green sticker with a-ha and some Japanese text printed in white.
South AfricaThe South African release was manufactured in Europe, but distributed in South Africa by Gallo. Ukraine
a-ha The Videos DVD (03/2003)This limited edition DVD of a-ha videos was given away by the Spanish record store "FNAC" with purchases of the live double album of How Can I Sleep With Your Voice In My Head. The DVD comes in a 5" card sleeve with a brown and white band shot on the front (Paul, Magne, Morten) and track listing on reverse. The title "a-ha The Videos" is printed in white on the front and reverse of the sleeve.
Tracks: Forever Not Yours / Minor Earth Major Sky / Manhattan Skyline / I've Been Loosing You / Crying In The Rain / The Sun Always Shines On TV (Live) / Did Anyone Approach You? / Lifelines / Stay On These Roads / Hunting High And Low / Take On Me / The Living Daylights / Summer Moved On
Other ReleasesOne Night at McCool's (22/10/2001)
The film "One Night at McCool's" includes the promotional video of "Velvet" as bonus material. The UK DVD release includes both video versions of "Velvet" - the 'licking version' and the 'kissing version'. The Norwegian version includes only the 'kissing version' and the US release (10/9/01) includes only the 'licking version' - information to be confirmed.
Bravo (2002)![]() This compilation DVD release includes the promotional video of "Lifelines". Tracks:
Video Collection (2003)
This WEA (Warner) promo only DVD collection features Minor Earth Major Sky live at vallhall by a-ha plus videos by 10 other artists. The cover and disc features pictures of the artists featured on the DVD including a-ha taken from the Headlines and Deadlines album cover and live shots of the band members (on the disc).
Kamilla og Tyven / Kamilla og Tyven del 2 (31/08/2005)Previously only available on video, these two films featuring Morten acting the part of Kristoffer were released on DVD. The covers of both DVDs feature artist drawings of characters in the film. Morten is featured mid-right on the cover of "Kamilla og Tyven" (getting married) and in two places on the cover of "Kamilla og Tyven del 2" (in an small aircraft with his brother, Kjetil, and in his car). The back of the sleeves features pictures plus information about the films. The discs are picture discs with more drawings of the characters in the films, similar to the front sleeves. The DVDs include bonus material. Kamilla og Tyven(running time 1h 41m) Kamilla og Tyven del 2 (running time 1h 33m):
Celice promo DVD (10/2005?)A second edition of this promo features a third version of the video. The disc and packaging are similar to the other promo, but the sticker has the following text: A-HA "Celice" Promotional Video Clip 1. Version 3 - Final Edit (Versions 1+2 not to be used). Not for broadcast. 2005 Universal Greece.
Live 8 Berlin (07/11/2005)
All four DVDs have similar covers, blue with the Live 8 'Africa guitar' logo in the centre, the date underneath and the back view of a naked poverty-stricken child. The location is printed down the side on a coloured strip: Paris on blue, Berlin on red, Roma on green and Toronto on orange. The back of the Berlin sleeve is white with a blue strip across the top with the text "ein tag ein konzert eine welt" the names of the featured artists printed in coloured letters in the centre and additional black text at the bottom. The DVD comes with an insert featuring a cartoon drawing of the poverty-stricken naked child facing a table of cakes and sweets at which some of the world leaders are sitting. There is a world map behind the table and the flags in front. The text "Live 8 July 2nd 2005" is printed in large black letters at the top. The back and inside of the insert are blue with the track listing and messages from Paul Valley and Bob Geldof in German. The disc features part of the cartoon picture from the insert. All four DVDs are available together in a box set.
Analogue deluxe edition with DVD (14/11/2005)
The deluxe limited edition 13-track enhanced CD of "Analogue" comes in a limited edition digi-pak. As well as the web player, it includes a bonus 25 minute long DVD with three songs from Frognerparken (Celice, Analogue, Cosy Prisons), video edit of "Celice" (cut on the "Thomas Schumacher Radio Edit"), interview clips taken from the EPK. The limited edition version has a similar cover to the regular release, but it comes in a double fold-out card digi-sleeve, so there are a few minor differences in the layout. The booklet which comes with the digi-pak is the same as the one which comes with the regular edition. The reverse of the digi-pak has the track list on the left hand side with the listing for the bonus DVD on the right. The disc is the same as the disc of the regular edition and even has the same catalogue number printed on it. The DVD is of similar design to the CD, but the arty patterns are less black and more white and grey.
Analogue promo DVD (2006)
Cosy Prisons promo DVD (2006)
Live at Vallhall - Homecoming / Headlines And Deadlines - The Hits Of a-ha (27/11/2006)
Inside the card sleeve is the regular release of the Live at Vallhall DVD plus the re-issue "bronze disc" edition of "Headlines And Deadlines" (see above).
Live at Vallhall - Homecoming (28/07/2008)Live at Vallhall - Homecoming was released in a CD & DVD "Classic Performance Live" set which comes in a fold-out digi-pak. The cover is white with a picture of the regular Vallhall sleeve in the centre. "Classic Performance Live A-HA" is priinted in black and pink letters in the top left. The "Sight & Sound" logo is printed in the bottom right hand corner in black, grey and pink. Some of the tracks includes on the CD & DVD set are listed in the bottom left on a pink background. The reverse of the sleeve is white with the DVD tracks listed in pink on the left and the CD tracks listed in grey on the right. The DVD is white with black, pink and silver text, while the CD is pink with black, white and silver text. The discs are housed in clear plastic trays. Through the left hand tray you can see other titles by different artists in the same series while through the right hand tray you can red track information. The DVD disc 1 features the live Vallhall show, while the CD disc 2 features the 19 tracks from the show, but in a different running order and have been faded out. DVD tracks: 1. Minor Earth Major Sky / 2. The Sun Never Shone That Day / 3. Little Black Heart / 4. I've Been Losing You / 5. Manhattan Skyline / 6. Thought That It Was You / 7. I Wish I Cared / 8. Cry Wolf / 9. Mary Ellen Makes The Moment Count / 10. Stay On These Roads / 11. Early Morning / 12. You'll Never Get Over Me / 13. Velvet / 14. The Sun Always Shines On TV / 15. The Living Daylights / 16. Hunting High And Low / 17. Summer Moved On / 18. Crying In The Rain / 19. Take On Me CD tracks: 1. Take On Me / 2. The Living Daylights / 3. The Sun Always Shines On TV / 4. Little Black Heart / 5. Minor Earth Major Sky / 6. Cry Wolf / 7. Crying In The Rain / 8. Manhattan Skyline / 9. The Sun Never Shone That Day / 10. Stay On These Roads / 11. You'll Never Get Over Me / 12. Summer Moved On / 13. Thought That It Was You / 14. I've Been Losing You / 15. Early Morning / 16. Velvet / 17. I Wish I Cared / 18. Mary Ellen Makes The Moment Count / 19. Hunting High And Low
Foot Of The Mountain promo DVD (05.06.2009)
There is a Greece promo only DVD-R which features the video for "Foot Of The Mountain" (quoted as being 3:07 long, but is actually the usual 3:36). It comes in a standard black Universal Greece promotional card wallet with a white sticker with the following text:
A-HA "Foot Of The Mountain" Promotional Video Clip Duration: 3:07 mins Not for broadcast 2009 Universal Greece.
Foot Of The Mountain deluxe edition with DVD (04.12.2009)A deluxe edition of "Foot Of The Mountain" was released in Germany on 4 December which includes a DVD in addition to the regular album The CD+DVD set comes in a fold-out digi-pak. The cover is similar to the regular album, but has a large "FSK ab 0 freigegeben" DVD rating in the bottom left hand corner. The CD sits in a clear tray on the left hand side of the digi-pak through which you can se some abstract art. In a similar way, the DVD sits on the right hand side.
The DVD is 18:51 minutes long and includes the three recent videos of "Foot Of The Mountain", "Shadowside" and "Nothing Is Keeping You Here". It also includes two live tracks "Foot Of The Mountain (SWR3 Hautnah Live-Version)" and "Riding The Crest (SWR3 Hautnah Live-Version)". The catalogue numbers printed on the digi-pak, CD and DVD are 00602527268323, 00602527268330 and 00602527268347 respectively.
25 deluxe edition with DVD (04.10.2010)
The UK deluxe edition of "25" comes in a triple CD case with a bonus DVD of the videos. The artwork is similar to the regular album release but the catalogue number differs. The booklet and back sleeve for the deluxe edition has the DVD track listing alongside the CD track lists. Discs 1 and 2 are identical to the regular release. There is a blue rectangular sticker on the front, similar to the one on the regular release, which advertises the bonus DVD. The disc of the DVD is of similar design to the CDs, but the ring around the centre is white and "DVD - THE VIDEOS" is printed in white on the right hand side. There are some editing issues on the DVD with several of the videos having the wrong soundtrack, using the album versions cut to match, rather than the single versions (The Sun Always Shines On T.V., Summer Moved On, Velvet, Forever Not Yours, Lifelines, Celice, Foot Of The Mountain). Also the video for "The Sun Always Shines On TV" has an additional piece of American footage tagged on the end! Tracks - DVD:Take On Me (1985 version) / The Sun Always Shines On T.V. / I've Been Losing You (Original Version) / Manhattan Skyline / Stay On These Roads / Crying In The Rain (Alternative Cut) / Dark Is The Night For All ("Banned Version") / Move To Memphis / Shapes That Go Together / Angel In The Snow / Summer Moved On / Minor Earth Major Sky / Lifelines / Did Anyone Approach You? / Velvet (European Cut) / Butterfly, Butterfly (The Last Hurrah) / Bonus Video: Take On Me (1984 Version)
The Last Hurrah Official a-ha fan party Oslo 03/12/10Although this release is unofficial, it was produced for the offical fan party following the penultimate a-ha concert on 3 December 2010. It features interview clips from across the years and all of the a-ha promo videos. The quality of some of the interview clips is fairly low, but subtitles are included. The DVD comes in a card wallet sleeve. The front artwork is black with coloured pieces of foil 'falling from the sky'. The title is printed in large white letters at the top of the sleeve. The disc is similar to the front sleeve. The back sleeve is white with the following text in black. "Thank you for celebrating a-ha's amazing career with us! With grateful thanks to the fan party crew:" plus list of 10 names printed in two columns. "Enclosed DVD presentation by Wesley Myers." is printed at the bottom of the sleeve. Ending On A High Note - The Final Concert 01/04/11
The DVD, Deluxe edition and Bluray feature the following 20 tracks which is the complete show, excluding "The Bandstand" and "Bowling Green": The Sun Always Shines On TV / Move To Memphis / The Blood That Moves The Body / Scoundrel Days / The Swing Of Things / Forever Not Yours / Stay On These Roads / Manhattan Skyline / Hunting High And Low / We're Looking For The Whales / Butterfly, Butterfly (The Last Hurrah) / Crying In The Rain / Minor Earth, Major Sky / Summer Moved On / I've Been Losing You / Foot Of The Mountain / Cry Wolf / Analogue / The Living Daylights / Take On Me The Bluray and Deluxe editions also include a documentary and a gallery of photos by Stian Andersen. The cover features three individual black and white shots of the band members on stage (Magne, Morten, Paul). Above and below the pictures are aqua coloured spot lights. The title is in aqua and white letters at the top of the sleeve. A large white a-ha logo has been printed underneath the pictures with "Live at Oslo Spektrum December 4th 2010" printed in aqua below. The cover of the German editions have a large DVD rating "FSK 0" sticker in the bottom left hand corner. The Deluxe edition has the additional "Deluxe Edition" printed in white at the bottom of the sleeve. The DVD edition comes in a plastic DVD case which has a gold sticker with white and black text "The farewell show incl. all hits & singles" plus a list of 5 of the tracks and catalogue number in the top left corner of the front of the case. The DVD comes with an 8 page double sided booklet which features black and white shots of the band at The Deluxe edition has the additional "Deluxe Edition" printed in white at the bottom of the front sleeve, it comes in a 4-way digi-pak. The left hand end houses the 10 page double-sided booklet, the two CDs are in the middle and the DVD is on the right hand end. The booklet is similar to that which comes with the DVD, they both include the same information and quotes from the band plus track listing and similar black and white shots of the band at their final concert, but the ordering and layout differs. The two CDs are aqua coloured with the disc number and title in white and back at the top and the a-ha logo and "Live at Oslo Spektrum December 4th 2010" in white and black at the bottom. The DVD is of similar design to the CDs, but the disc is black and the text is white and aqua (the same as the regular DVD but with a different catalogue number). The "FSK 0" rating is printed on the right hand side of the disc (UK, German and Norwegian editions). Once the two ends of the digi-pak have been closed, a black and white picture of the audience getting covered in ticker tape and the band standing on the edge of the stage can be seen across both sides. The back of the digi-pak features more of the aqua lights with "Deluxe Edition" at the top in white and the tracks listed below, the CD tracks on the left and the DVD tracks on the right. The front packaging has a gold sticker (bottom left on Norwegian edition / bottom right on the German edition) which is similar to that on the regular DVD but has the additional text "+Backstage documentary + Photo gallery" and different catalogue number.
VariationsDeluxe editions: See Ending On A High Note album. Argentina
BrazilThere is an Brazilian Sonopress DVD only Release of A-ha Ending On A High Note, it's in NTSC Format (Not PAL) and the actual DVD Case is similar to the European Pressing with some differences. On the front of the DVD Case, there is a gold Brazilian sticker with black and white text: "O SHOW DE DESPEDIDA! Inclui todos os grandes sucessos: Take on me Stay on these roads Hunting high and low The living daylights Foot of the mountain e muitas outras! 60252768722". On the back cover of this Brazilian Sonopress DVD, the track listing is exactly the same as the European pressing, under this, we have the barcode which is twice the size compared to the European Pressing, the catalogue number and issue coding is then displayed AA0005000 60252768722. Under this, there is the Record Company and copyright information in English: "FILM & ARTWORK C 2011 CHART PROMOTIONS LTD. UNDER EXCLUSIVE LICENSE TO WE LOVE MUSIC. DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL MUSIC DOMESTIC POP. A DIVISION OF UNIVERSAL MUSIC GMBH. A UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORISED COPYING, REPRODUCTION, HIRING, LENDING, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE AND BROADCASTING OF THIS DVD PROHIBITED. BIEM/SDRM. LC 19045.". There is also some Brazilian record company information including website addresses: " Produzido no Polo Industrial de Manaus e distibuido por Sonopress Rimo Industria Comercio Fonografica S.A. - Industria Brasileira - Rua lca. no 100-A - Distrito Industrial - Manaus - AM. CNPJ: 67.562.884/0004-91, sob licenca da Universal Music International Ltda. CNPJ: 08.975.642/0001-18. Denuncle a pirataria: O prazo de validade do DVD e indeterminado, desde que observados os seguintes cuidados: Armazenar em lugar seco com umidade nao acima de 60 g/m3 e temperatura Nao superior a 55 graus, livre de poeira, nao dobrar, nao engordurar e segurar o disco sempre pela lateral e o furo central.". After this is the disc, sound and subtitle information: "DISC: DVD-9* NTSC. REGIONS: ALL. AUDIO: DOLBY STEREO. DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1 SURROUND SOUND AND DTS 5.1 SURROUND SOUND, SCREEN 16:9 WIDESCREEN. MENUS: ENGLISH. SUBTITLES: ITALIANO, FRANCAIS, DEUTSCH, ESPANOL, PYCCKNN, NORSK. DTS AND THE DTS LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF DIGITAL THEATRE SYSTEMS, INC. DOLBY AND THE DOUBLE-D SYMBOL ARE TRADEMARKS OF DOLBY LABORATORIES LICENSING CORPORATION. *Camada Dupla. Podera ocorrer uma interrupcao na troca de camada." At the very bottom of the back cover there is the usual 'Universal Music', 'WE LOVE MUSIC', 'DVD Video' and 'DOLBY DIGITAL' logos which are also shown on the European Pressing DVD, however on this Brazilian Pressing, we additionally have the NTSC (Instead of PAL), Region ALL (Instead of Region 0) and The usual Brazilian Flying Amazon Bird Logo. The actual disc is again very similar to the European pressing, although the following differs: On the left hand side there is the Record company information in English, instead of being around the outer edge of the disc, it reads: "FILM & ARTWORK C 2001 CHART PROMOTIONS LTD. UNDER EXCLUSIVE LICENSE TO WE LOVE MUSIC. DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL MUSIC DOMESTIC POP. A DIVISION OF UNIVERSAL MUSIC GMBH. A UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED> BIEM/SDRM. LC 19045.". The catalogue number 60252768722 is displayed underneath. To the Right Hand Side of the disc, the Logos 'Universal Music Group International' and 'WE LOVE MUSIC' are displayed, (these appeared at the bottom centre of the disc on the European Pressing). At the bottom centre of this Brazilian Sonopress DVD is the logo 'DVD VIDEO' in White. Around the outer edge of the disc all in Portuguese is the Record Company and Copyright Information which reads:- "PRODUZIDO NO POLO INDUSTRIAL DE MANAUS E DISTRIBUIDO POR SONOPRESS RIMO INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO FONOGRAFICA S.A. - INDUSTRIA BRASILEIRA - RUA ICA, No 100-A - DISTRITO INDUSTRIAL - MANAUS - AM. CNPJ: 67.562.884/0004-91, SOB LICENCA DA UNIVERSAL MUSIC INTERNATIONAL LTDA. CNPJ: 08.975.642/0001-18. TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS PROIBIDA A REPRODUCCAO, EXECUCAO PUBLICA E LOCACAO DESAUTORIZADAS SOB AS PENAS DA LEI.". Printed in white text around the centre ring of the disc is the issue coding, AA5000, displaying that 5000 copies were Produced. Germany
South AfricaThe South African DVD similar to the European release, but is in NTSC format. It has the regular gold "farewell show" sticker on the front. There are two additional logos printed on the back sleeve, "RISA" and a triangular "fpb PG" logo. There is also "South Africa Universal Music Group" record company information on the back cover.
a-ha The Movie (12.21)a-ha The Movie was released on Blu-ray exclusively to Platekompaniet in Norway. It is a documentary on the band featuring previously unreleased material and interviews. There are also some bonus scenes included on the disc, total running time: 117 minutes. Hilde Bjørnstad (editor), Geir Eilertsen (assistant), Tore Buvarp, Matthias Greving & Clementina Hegewisch (co-producers), Yngve Sæther & Thomas Robsahm (producers), Aslaug Holm (photography and co-producer), Thomas Robsahm (script & direction) were responsible for the film which was released to cinemas in Norway on 3 September 2021 The film premiered arouond the world during 2021 and early 2022, including at Tribeca Film Festival in the US on 12 June 2021; Norwegian International Film Festival in Norway on 23 August 2021 and Glasgow Film Festival in March 2022. The movie was released to cinemas, including Norway on 3 September 2021; Germany 14 September 2021 and UK on 20 May 2022. The DVD was released in the UK on 29 August 2022, there has been no Blu-ray release in the UK. The front cover features a black and white shot of the band from the 80s. across the middle is the a-ha logo in white with "THE MOVIE" title in multi-colour. Along the top are a series of ten red dice all representing a roll of 5, the review score from a range of Norwegian TV and press. In the bottom right is the text and quote from the Norwegian newspaper "En gullbarre av en film" Dagbladet (a gold bar of a film). The back cover is light grey with a smaller shot of the band from the 80s. The text reads: "a-ha The Movie" følger Morten Harket, Pål Waaktaar-Savoy og Magne Furuholmen på turné, og foreteller samtidig historien om the tenåringer som drømte om å bli verdensberømte popstjerner. Med unik tilgang på bandet i nåtid, samt bruk av ukjent arkivmateriale, forteller filmen hvordan tre svært ulike kreative personligheter har gitt oss stor musikk og internasjonal suksess. Men filmen viser også hvordan skyhøye musikalske ambisjoner har ført til konflikt og trøblete vennskap i flere itår. Kan de igjen skape musikk sammen? Da "Take On Me" toppet Billboard-hitlista i 1985, gikk drømmen i oppfyllelse. De er fortsatt enormt populære, 35 år etter gjennombruddet, og er Norges største popsuksess gjennom tidene. "Take on me" passerte sommeren 2019 én milliard avspillinger på Youtube. ("a-ha The Movie" follows Morten Harket, Pål Waaktaar-Savoy and Magne Furuholmen on tour, and at the same time tells the story of the teenagers who dreamed of becoming world-famous pop stars. With unique access to the band in the present, as well as the use of unseen archive material, the film tells how three very different creative personalities have given us great music and international success. But the film also shows how sky-high musical ambitions have led to conflict and troubled friendships for several years. Can they create music together again? When "Take On Me" topped the Billboard charts in 1985, the dream came true. They are still enormously popular, 35 years after their breakthrough, and are Norway's biggest pop successes of all time. "Take on me" passed one billion views on YouTube in the summer of 2019.) The inside of the insert is multi-coloured (red, orange, pink, blue and yellow) with 15 shots of the band members from across their career. The disc features the same black and white band shot as the front cover with the white a-ha logo and multi-coloured title at the bottom of the disc.
Promo VideosThe follwoing promotional videos have been released by a-ha:
| a-ha Discography | Morten Harket Discography | Savoy Discography | Magne Furuholmen Discography | Charts | |