This site, as described by Norway's third largest newspaper, "Dagbladet" 25th April 2000:
Denne engelske siden er reine bibelen for a-ha fans.
(This English site is like a bible for a-ha fans)
Welcome to the web discography for the Norwegian band a-ha consisting of Morten Harket (vocals), Pål Waaktaar (guitar) and Magne Furuholmen (keyboards).
In this discography you will find detailed descriptions and pictures of the different singles, albums and promo items released world wide by a-ha. Follow the links to the separate discography's of Morten Harket, Savoy, Magne Furuholmen and other related projects.
This website is now open source which means you can contribute by editing the pages yourself. You just need to set-up a GitHub account, go to, fork the site and you can submit an edit as a pull request! Please note that each edit requires approval before it goes live and please do a pull request to one file at a time, thanks.
I would like to thank all of the many people who have helped me (Suzie) over the years to with this project as complete as possible. I couldn't have done it without you! Special thanks to Ian Chapman for his continued hard work on the updates. More information on the discography can be found here.
If you don't want to set up a GitHub account, alternative contact details can be found on the contact page
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